SKILL: Tailwindcss

When I started with web development. Bootstrap was undergoing it's notoriously difficult and prolonged transition from version 3 to 4. At that time Bootstrap 3 seemed to rule the websites, mostly thanks to it's grid system before all browsers had fully-implemented the flexbox spec. While I enjoyed the grid system it was the pre-built components and their flexibility that really stood out to me as the advantage of bootstrap.

Jump forward a few years and bootstrap is looking a bit flat and a bit old. Material design looks more modern and the excellent work but the material-ui give has a produced a natively react component library with a beautiful look and satisfying developer experience. However it is not necessarily performant and does not integrate seemlessly with the popular CSS-in-JS solutions: emotion and styled-components. It is also more hazzle than it would initially appear to apply a unique identity over the default material aesthetic.

At ShipServ, they took on my suggestion to use material-ui and the top-down perspective required more references to the docs than I would have thought and did not provide the reduction to development time that I was expecting. I have since started using tailwindcss and started applying styles from a more granular, bottom-up construction and have so far been enjoying it. combining with the gatsby recommended twin.macro library has allowed me to style with no drawbacks and all the tailwind advantages. Twin.macro is used to build this portfolio